Amway is a global leader in direct selling, with over three million Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in over 80 countries and territories around the world. No other direct selling company can compare with our longevity, stability, and global reach.
Lebih dari 45 tahun, Amway Corporation memberdayakan masyarakat untuk memiliki bisnis yang mereka kelola sendiri. Bermula dari produk-produk untuk keperluan rumah tangga seperti SA8 Laundry Detergent dan L.O.C. Liquid Organic Concentrate, kini produk-produk kami terdiri dari ribuan produk dan merek bermutu tinggi yang hanya dapat dibeli melalui Independent Business Owners (IBOs)
For more than 45 years, Amway Corporation has enabled people to have a business of their own. Originally known for direct selling of our household cleaning products, such as SA8 Laundry Detergent and L.O.C. Liquid Organic Concentrate, our business opportunity is now supported by an excellent portfolio of hundreds of high-quality products and brands that can only be purchased through our IBOs.